Mgr Guido Charbounneau


Last month, a special ceremony was held in the church of Choluteca to honour Bishop Guido Charbounneau for his 10 years of service as bishop. Known as "the bishop of tenderness", Msgr. Charbounneau was honoured by both the people and the priests of the community. The ceremony was a heartfelt tribute to his commitment to mission and service to the Church.

  To mark the occasion, several photos were taken and shared with the community. The images captured the essence of the ceremony and showed the love and respect that the people of Choluteca felt for Mgr Charbounneau. Charbounneau. The celebration was a fitting tribute to a man who had given so much of himself to this community.

On 15 April, the first local bishop, Mgr. Teodoro Gómez, was installed.  Bishop Gómez was born in the community of El Banquito in Choluteca and during his formation as a priest he was a student of Bishop Charbounneau. Two years ago he was appointed auxiliary bishop in Tegucigalpa. 


This is a momentous occasion for the local church, marking the culmination of 66 years of hard work, leadership and local vocations. The appointment of Msgr. Gómez is a great step forward for the community and for the Church as a whole.

 The dedication of Msgr. Charbounneau's  and the appointment of Msgr. Gomez are a testimony to the strength and resilience of the local Church. These stories remind us that faith is not just a personal journey, but a community effort that requires commitment, dedication and a willingness to serve.

Elsa Izaguirre.

Avril 2023

Photos by: Elsa Izaguirre

Homélie de Msgr. Teodoro Gomez évêque de Choluteca


Queridos Cardenales y Obispos, Señor Nuncio Apostólico, sacerdotes de Choluteca y de otras diócesis, Hermanas religiosas, seminaristas, laicas y laicos:

Quiero darle gracias a Dios por los diez años que he servido a esta diócesis de Choluteca; ha sido una bendición para mí. Cuando he sido llamado a ser obispo en Choluteca, mi corazón se llenó de mucha ilusión y esperanza, porque podía así continuar la obra de mis compañeros misioneros, tanto obispos como sacerdotes y laicos asociados.

 Una característica de nuestra Sociedad misionera ha sido siempre la transmisión de nuestras responsabilidades. Y estoy muy alegre porque esta Iglesia particular de Choluteca manifiesta otro signo de madurez: un primer obispo hondureño de Choluteca, nacido en esta tierra sureña: Mons. Teodoro Gómez.......


Photos by Elsa Izaguirre