WYD 2019
« Here I am, the servant of the Lord, speak your word in me and let your will be done! »
It was the World Youth Day´s motto that recently happened in Panama, from the 22nd to the 27th of January 2019.
It is true that the event was attended by hundreds of thousands of young pilgrims from 156 countries, and in addition, hundreds of thousands of Panamanians who came to participate in the different activities, the SME team that attended the WYD had a different perspective from the one the majority of pilgrims experienced, since our mission during the days of the event was to make our society present, not only by witnessing in the streets, in the metro and the massive congregations for the inauguration, the welcoming to Pope Francis, the holy way of the cross, the vigil and closing mass with his Holiness, but mainly in the stand # 3 of the vocational fair in the recreational park Omar Torrijos of the center of the beautiful city of Panama.
At this location, it was also installed "Renuévame" or the Park of Forgiveness, with hundreds of confessionals at the disposal of the pilgrims, an improvised chapel for the holy sacrament and of course the other stands of the fair where different congregations and organizations were looking forward, just like us, to serve as tools of discernment for all those in search.
The 4 days that the fair lasted, were full of work, we received hundreds of young people from all over the world to hear about our charisma and the missionary experiences we were able to share, the most curious asked about the formative processes and, of course, brought souvenirs with our website and contact information from the different missions where we are present. It was undoubtedly a renewing experience for the team, a significant one for our society and now, we thank the Lord for the experience and wait for the fruits that the Holy Spirit may provide