Missionary Month 2023.

“Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move”


October is a special month in the Catholic Church that is historically linked with Mission. A time of deepening our sense of mission. The month of mission, kicks off with the feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, a remarkable saint who inspires us to live a life of love and passion for Jesus and peaking its climax on Misson Sunday.

“Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move”
The theme for this year’s mission Sunday , Pope Francis has choosen “hearts on fire, Feet on the Move” inspired by the story of Jesus appearing to His disciples on the road to Emmaus  from Luke 24:13-35.
We are all invited to make each other’s hearts burn with God’s Word, igniting the flame of Faith within and embark on the transformative journey of mission, peace and salvation that God has graciously bestowed upon humanity through Christ.
During this mission month, we share with you video messages and articles from members of the Society doing mission different parts of the world.

Here you can read and download Pope Francis’ Message

Fr. Ergete Tesfaye p.m.e.  Missionary Month 2023

Journée Mondiale des Missions 2023 Le dimanche, Journée Mondiale des Missions est le jour où nous avons la chance et l'occasion de nous rassembler et de nous réjouir de notre unité. Chacun d'entre nous, en vertu de son baptême, a la possibilité de soutenir l'Église : Une Église qui donne la vie parmi les pauvres et les marginalisés. Le pape François, dans son message du dimanche mondial de cette année, réfléchit sur le thème “Des cœurs brûlants, des pieds en marche Sa réflexion est basée sur l'histoire des disciples qui rencontrent Jésus sur le chemin d'Emmaüs. Il nous invite à nous laisser illuminer par notre rencontre avec le Seigneur ressuscité et à nous laisser toucher par l'Esprit Saint. 

Il nous encourage à laisser nos cœurs brûler de la parole de Dieu, à voir Jésus dans l'Eucharistie et à attirer d'autres personnes pour marcher ensemble. Cette marche ensemble est une marche vers le chemin de la paix et du salut. Comme les disciples d'Emmaüs et d'autres disciples ont cheminé avec Jésus, nous sommes invités à faire de même. En nous écoutant profondément les uns les autres, nous sommes appelés à témoigner du Seigneur ressuscité dans nos familles, nos lieux de travail, notre entourage et nos paroisses. C'est pour cette raison que nous devons sortir de nos bâtiments d'église et rejoindre d'autres communautés. Approfondissons notre communion les uns avec les autres, avec notre créateur et sa création. Renouvelons notre engagement à être des missionnaires pour l'amour du Christ en nous engageant pleinement et consciemment, toujours prêts à annoncer la Bonne Nouvelle à notre monde brisé et à être des instruments de justice et de paix. joyeux dimanche des missions et un mois des missions fructueux.


Joel y Yessenia. Missionary Month 2023

Hello. I am Jessenia from El Salvador. I am Joel from Honduras. We are a missionary family doing our service in Brazil. In this month of mission, I want to share with you a message from Pope Francis, he said to young people to dream, to move, to look the life with new eyes, to go ahead and don’t be afraid. The Pope invited us to go to the encounter of our brothers and siters with hearts on fire and the feet on move. And with the feet on move, go to the excluded, ignored and marginalized by the society. And with hearts on fire listen our brothers and sisters that are suffering every day. May the Lord bless our lives and vocations.


Reflection on the occasion of the Feast of St. Therese of Lissieux.
 Therese was the last born of nine children borne to Louis and Zelie Martin.  .... 


The podcast episode titled "Created to Love More,” it explores the inspiring work of dedicated young individuals striving for a fair and compassionate in Central America. 


We begin the missionary month of October by celebrating the feast of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus. St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus....


Domund 2023 Poema. Padre José Domingos

Dedicated, bravely, I carry a burning heart in my chest. With my feet moving, searching for my vocation in the mission, Passion beats in my chest; It is an intense explosion. My .....



As we match forward, mission continues with hearts on fire and feet on move, this month, appreciation to many in mission for sharing their messages, heartfelt gratitude to all participants. Let us continue to remember and support missionaries.

Bishop Guido Charbonneau.

The theme for World Mission Sunday this year has been given by Pope Francis and is stated as follows: "Hearts on fire, feet on the move".  This topic is very interesting because it refers to the disciples of Emmaus who are discouraged after the death of Jesus. But Jesus began to walk with them, he listened to them, then he enlightened them with his word, and when they were enlightened, their hearts began to burn, to feel fervor, because they were truly returning to the Jesus they had known before, who had made their hearts happy. And when they recognized him present, alive, as resurrected, He left, but they returned to Jerusalem, they set out with their feet to be able to announce to their brothers and sisters this great joy that Christ has risen.
